
日本淨土真宗本願寺派 製作

it’s a story about Amitabha. If you wish to immigrate to Amitabha’s world after the end of your lives. the Amitabha will just come to pick you up at the moment of your death.

In my experience. Even a person have died for a long period of time, such as 7~ 49 days, If you can asking Buddha to lead the soul of the dead to come to you. and then next you can persuade the dead’s soul to go to the Amitabha’s pureland since the world is so great and wonderful.

If Amitabha have come to pick up the dead’s soul, Then next you can see some of the following signs from the dead … the dead’s body turn to soft / Face, ears, neck turn to pink or red / Smiling / Joyful face / Skin just as same as alive and the skin won’t sink and tightly close to bones / Lotuses or bright light keeping show up around dead’s coffin, wall, table, carpet … etc. / the nice aroma full filled the dead’s room / after burning the body, got precious stones / the dead show up in the dreams of relatives or friends, show them with a 20 years-old young looking face and Golden bright body with golden bright clothes ,have a talk , or have a touch, or ushering, leading their relatives to Amitabha’s Pureland in the dreams … etc.


佛教漫畫 http://www.amitofo3.net/comics.html
鑑因法師佛一 http://www.amitofo3.net/ji
鑑因法師佛七 http://www.amitofo3.net/ji/f7.html
鑑因法師助念 http://www.amitofo3.net/ji/zn.html
鑑因法師DVD http://www.amitofo3.net/ji/dvd.html
鑑因法師花開見佛第一集 http://www.amitofo3.net/ji/fkjf1.html
鑑因法師花開見佛第二集 http://www.amitofo3.net/ji/fkjf2.html
鑑因法師禮佛觀想拜願文 http://www.amitofo3.net/ji/worship.html
鑑因法師在家居士如何修行 http://www.amitofo3.net/ji/zjjsrhxx.html
員林蓮社:員林鎮大安街13號 04-8329690

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